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Dancers Connect Interactive

DCI Pedagogy

The DCI program extends Dr. Parrish’s research in distributed instruction for dance and might bear the potential of being hugely impactful for the more than 200 young dancers and their families she manages every year as Director of UNCG’s DC community programming. The research creates intersectionality between pedagogy, modes of interactive distance instruction, and community engagement. The study expands one of Parrish’s recent publication, “Toward transformation: Digital tools for online dance pedagogy and the outcomes,” which could significantly inform interactive distributed dance pedagogy theory development.

The DCI research project will provide the students with invaluable insight into pedagogical practice, detailed teaching plans, and varied assessment strategies using technology supported delivery, all of which are critical skills in the development of highly effective educators. Morana and Robinson are seeking K-12 initial teacher licensure and Taylor is earning an MFA in dance. Being mentored by Parrish, who has extensive expertise in pedagogy, dance technology, and mediated dance instruction, the students will begin to see the complexities of the role of dance educator and dance scholars. The students will present their research and findings at the NDEO conference in Miami, Florida, and the NCDEO conference in Charlotte, North Carolina. Presenting DCI research at these national conferences offers a unique opportunity for them to network with individuals of similar research interests, to connect with the professional community as a student/scholar, and to potentially guide them toward future graduate study.



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